Dear Lute friends,
   My esteemed colleague Hideki Yamaya and I will present a program of
   Italian lute duets, Saturday, February  16, 7:30 PM at the Community
   Music Center in Portland, OR ([1]3350 SE Francis Street, Portland,
   Oregon 97202)
   Besides the central element of the Castaldi theorbo-tiorbino duets,
   we'll also feature the Francesco/Matelart duets for unequal lutes, plus
   accompanied and unaccompanied guitar and theorbo music.
   The blurb, if you feel like sharing and helping to get the word out:
   CAPRICCI A DUE STROMENTI: 17th-Century Duets for Lutes and Theorbos
   John Lenti, lute and theorbo
   Hideki Yamaya, lute, tiorbino, and Baroque guitar
   Hideki Yamaya of Musica Maestrale will be joined by John Lenti,
   lutenist for Portland Baroque Orchestra, for an exciting program of
   Italian early baroque music for lutes and theorbos. Of particular
   interest are duets by Bellerofonte Castaldi for theorbo and tiorbino,
   or octave-pitched theorbo, an extremely rare instrument. Other
   composers represented include Alessandro Piccinini and Johann
   Hieronymus Kapsberger.
   $14 general; $12 students/seniors



   1. http:///

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