On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 08:29:00 +0000 (GMT), Martyn Hodgson wrote
> I don't have this work either - I think.......

@Monica: are you by any chance refering to
(Bartolotti continuo and solo similarities - from

BTW, there's an image of page 52. or me this example works _much_
better in a non-reentrant tuning (N.B: Ms. one has an error: the
second chor should read dfbflat). Why would Bartolotti start thist
example with horribly wrong conterpoint? In reentrant tuning the 7-6
would transmogrify into a perfect fifth (f c) "resolving" to a forth
(f bflat) [1]. To be followed by a chain of 2nd chords ... Yes, we all
know that a 7-6 chain can be inverted (double counterpoint) into a 2-3
chain but we also know this doesn't work with a third voice running a
third above the bass (since the fith between this voice and the 7th
would invert into a (false/wrong) forth. We know our counterpoint -
Bartolotti didn't? This all does not happen with a non-reentrant
tuning. The one problematic spot for a non-reentrant tuning is Ms.13 -
here the 7th (e natural, second string) would resolve into a 6th (d,
fifth string), a problem easily solveable by playing the resolution on
the third string. That spot makes much more sense in an reentrant
tuning (moving from an open string g in ms. 10 to same note fretted on
the second string, third fret ms. 11).

> And I'm not quite sure what you mean in the page 6-7 example. But
> doesn't the use of higher positions suggest a re-entrant (single
> or   double) tuning rather than the reverse, since it still allows
> for some   harmony to be played above the bass line?

No. Once you are an the highest string (string 3 for an reentrant
tuning) the strings "above" will actually be below. That's exactly
what would happen on page 52. Going up the neck is as common on a
archlute as it is on a theorbo.

Cheers, RalfD

[1] Yeah, that's why the called him " ... without doubt the most
    skillful upon the theorbo".

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