Best wishes to you, Ron.  Perhaps a silver lining is the possibility
   that your pain may further enrich your music.  I fully agree about the
   US surveillance/warfare state.  If you sum the cost of all post-MD
   medical specialty training programs in the USA, they amount to about 10
   billion per year.   Right after the Paris shootout (which Am Free Press
   calls a classic false flag operation), our crooked Congress Friday
   voted 40 billion of tax dollars for the "Dept of Homeland Security"
   which is little more than a jobs program that helps Americans spy on
   each other.  Imagine what 40 billions could do to promote lute projects
   in the USA--even the ukulele would face stiff musical competition.

   Thank you for all your work.

   Mark Seifert MD
   On Monday, January 19, 2015 3:56 PM, Ron Andrico
   <> wrote:
     Since I am otherwise writhing in maximum discomfort (many in the
     American lute world wil be pleased to know), I'll add a few words to
     this off-topic but important subject.
     To those of us who still have an informed perspective on global
     affairs, it has become embarrassingly evident that the very powerful
     alignment of business interests and political elite in the US has
     successfully managed to export its brand of "democracy" to every
     integrative corner of the globe.  This means that power interests in
     the US consider the UK something of a quaint theme park and, yes,
     receives its marching orders from the NSA.
     A functioning democracy in the UK that runs smoothly without
     experiencing a dose of fear and the threat of constant surveillance
     amounts to a threat to the constant monitoring systems now being
     implemented in the US.  The NSA thinks of the UK as a test case, and
     they are actively fomenting fear and promoting justifications for
     increased police presence in other European states with functioning
     social welfare programs.
     Maybe it's just my fever and pain talking,  Or maybe I'm experiencing
     Hildegard-like visions of clarity. You are welcome to choose and
     as you wish.
     > Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 21:14:41 +0000
     > To: [1]
     > CC: [2]
     > From: [3]
     > Subject: [LUTE] Re: End of democracy in Great Britain?
     > Subject: [LUTE] End of democracy in Great Britain?
     > > OT, but really terrifying:
     > >
     > > Can anybody tell we what is going on in the UK?
     > >
     > >


     > >
     > > Rainer adS
     > Not much - the Guardian just likes to scare us all. I though FBI
     > all our e-mails anyway. Democracy - what democracy?
     > > As many lute-nettrs may know I am hopelessly Anglophile ;(
     > So am I.
     > Monica
     > To get on or off this list see list information at
     > [5]




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