On Feb 26, 2015, at 1:33 PM, Christopher Wilke <chriswi...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Howard,
> I'll be frank. You are having way too much fun tearing apart the sincere, 
> heartfelt confessions of musicians who - quite unlike yourself - are 
> struggling to simultaneously make a living and art in a difficult 
> environment. I could counter-refute your semantics, but I don't think that 
> would be productive as I suspect that you're really more interested in 
> playing "gotcha" logic games than advancing the discourse.
> You are free to disagree and contribute to the discussion in a constructive 
> way, of course. I would ask, however, that you consider replying a bit more 
> respectfully to those of us down in the trenches to whom topic is a more 
> personal one than it will be to someone such as yourself who holds no real 
> stake in the matter.
> Chris

OK.  I’ve waited a few hours and taken a lot of deep breaths, so this is me 
being calm.  

Danny wrote that he did not understand statements that unnamed organizations 
were doing unstated things that benefitted some unnamed persons and harmed 
other unnamed persons.  Since any such statement, however “heartfelt” or 
however deep in the trenches it originates, is devoid of information and thus 
meaningless for any practical purpose, his remark was so obviously self-evident 
that I wonder why he even wasted the 30 seconds it took to type it.

You responded by calling him a liar.  

This was beneath scorn, and certainly beneath you, and I think my response was 
measured, inasmuch as I chose to explain the substance (actually the lack of 
it) and ignore the personal attack on Danny.  I have no idea why you thought 
you could get into a credibility contest with someone who has never made an 
ill-considered remark in all the years he’s been in the lute community, but you 
are way out of line.  You should refrain from talking about  “respect” until 
you’ve apologized to him.

And don’t even get me started on "if one were make such statements, they would 
represent an inappropriately dismissive response to the issues under 

You need to take a step back.

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