I am forwarding a note from Doug Smith about the LSA Journal. Nancy The editors of the Journal of the Lute Society of America are preparing a memorial issue for the late Patrick O'Brien. In this context, they would like to include a bibliography of any articles large or small that Pat published in his lifetime.
Lutenists or guitarists or friends of Pat's who know of such publications, particularly if you have copies of any of them, are invited to contact the Journal's Consulting Editor, Dr. Douglas Alton Smith, at the email address [1]renl...@yahoo.com -- Nancy Carlin Administrator THE LUTE SOCIETY OF AMERICA [2]http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org PO Box 6499 Concord, CA 94524 USA 925 / 686-5800 [3]www.groundsanddivisions.info [4]www.nancycarlinassociates.com -- References 1. mailto:renl...@yahoo.com 2. http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org/ 3. http://www.groundsanddivisions.info/ 4. http://www.nancycarlinassociates.com/ To get on or off this list see list information at http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html