TREE EDITION  New items February 2017

Series: The Rostock Lute Mss
Rostock 12
Ms Mus Saec XVIII-53,3 a-c
3 Parthies for Lute and Strings / 3 Parthien für Laute und Streicher
del Sign. Pichler
Facsimile / French Tablature / Baroque tuning / Euro 30.-

Francois le Cocq
- Recueil des Pieces de Guitarre, 1729
- Recueil des Pieces de Guitarre de meilleurs Maitres du siecle Dixseptieme
Pieces for Baroque Guitar / 158 pages / 2 volumes
Facsimile / French tablature / Euro 40.-

Alessandro Piccinini
Intavolatura di Liuto et di Chitarrone
Libro primo, 1623
Fasimile / Italian Tablature / Renaissance tuning 
148 pages / 2 volumes / Euro 40.-
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