I posted a new beta version of Fandango yesterday. Anyone interested in testing that software can check it out at http://fandango.musickshandmade.com/pages/fandango.

This beta version is fully enabled until December 28.


On 12/20/2017 12:43 PM, Sean Smith wrote:
Dear Wannabe Mac Fronimo users,

I have just opened both Fronimo 2.1 and 3.0 on my Mac using Crossover 17 
running on High Sierra. I have not explored of it yet but I thought I’d post 
this so more experienced Mac users can go through it for its strengths and 
weaknesses. I have a lot of projects going on right now so I can’t explore it 

Their site is:
You will need this address to go to their page to “Install an unknown 
application from a disc or file”
If you have both 2.1 and 3.0 you will need to put each .exe file in their own 

They have a free trial good for 14 days.
They sell it for $39.95 but I got it through the "BoingBoing Store" for $19
Contrary to the title of their post it doesn’t run Windows but rather (some?) 
Windows programs under a Wine interface.

I hope this is helpful (and successful!),

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