Dear ones,
   The local PBS station in northern Minnesota produced a video on Gamut
   Music, of which I am affiliated.   This was recorded 2 months ago, and
   was aired last month.   I hope you find it interesting, as you can see
   Dan Larson demonstrating finishing touches on a viola d'amore, as well
   as him doing finishing touches on a lute rose.   You can also see some
   of the Gamut stringmakers in the process of making gut strings, from
   beginning to completion. As well, I am on the video, playing on an
   11-course Frei, 68 cm, in all gut, with silverer gimped strings on 10th
   and 11th course.   For the recording, I played "Canaries" by Ennemond
   "Vieux" Gaultier
   I hope you enjoy this.




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