Hardly ever?...

In paintings, there's often other instruments...

And what about Orpharion? It also has fixed frets...

On 22.07.19 19:59, r.turov...@gmail.com wrote:
Citterns play in only 2 keys, and hardly ever with other instruments.
so it is not a problem there.

Feci quod potui. Faciant meliora potentes.

On Jul 22, 2019, at 10:47 AM, David van Ooijen <davidvanooi...@gmail.com> wrote:

   Fixed fretted instrument had some sort of MT. Citerns with an
   approximation 1/6 comma MT come to mind. That's not a modern
   interpretation or an awkward stretch.

   on.   There survive some historical discussions of lute
     fretting but the
   language is unclear or otherwise flawed.   A sideways
     application of
   modern interpretations of keyboard temperaments to the lute and
   viol is a bit of an awkward stretch.

   David van Ooijen



   1. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
   2. http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/

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