Hello there,

   I have an 8c lute now since 10 months and from the beginning I'm
   "unhappy" with the sound of the unison C strings on it. I changed the
   plain Aquila strings to round-wound Aquilas but to me it sounds quite
   the same. What I'm missing is the high frequencies that we have on 6c
   instruments with the octave string. In my mind I call the current sound
   "plastic-y". The maker of the instrument suggested to try out the
   Savarez early music strings but I do not think I would recover high
   frequencies with them.

   Any remedies that you have tried out with success other than "just get
   used to it"? An octave string shouldn't be a good idea because it would
   confuse voices.

   Hoping for some suggestions,

   "Close your eyes. Fall in love. Stay there."

   JalÄl ad-DÄ«n Muhammad Rumi

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