New features on my spreadsheet are fields for:

1. A link to an exact facsimile match for the start of each piece
2. A link to a public domain online recording (like on youtube) someone may have made of that same piece.

About 3/4 of the pieces on my site now have an exact facsimile match on the spreadsheet.

I am wondering, for any of the pieces on my site, whether anyone has a suitable link for a recording, that they or someone else may have made of that piece, that I could put on the spreadsheet.

I would need a link to the location on my site where the piece can be found so I know where to put the recording link.

I can make no promises as to when these recording links can actually go up on my site, as including them will be rather labor intensive, but I would like to get started on that project.

Meanwhile, I am starting on Borrono (1543), v.8.


Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. (
11132 Dell Ave
Forestville, CA 95436-9491
Home phone:  707-820-1759
"The map may not be the territory, but it's all we've got."

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