HI Sarge,

   La conocchia o rocca è uno strumento che in coppia col [1]fuso serve a

   I'm not really up on "spinning " terminology but apparently the fuso is
   the spindle and the rocca is the distaff?

   There are some wonderful early renaissance paintings of ladies spinning
   even at court.


   Am 17.05.2020 um 21:02 schrieb Frank A. Gerbode, M.D.:

     Anybody know what "la rocha il fuso" *means*? Just curious.

     Frank A. Gerbode, M.D. ([3]sa...@gerbode.net)
     11132 Dell Ave
     Forestville, CA 95436-9491
     Home phone: � 707-820-1759
     Website: � [4]http://www.gerbode.net
     "The map may not be the territory, but it's all we've got."
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   1. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuso_(strumento)
   2. https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filatura
   3. mailto:sa...@gerbode.net
   4. http://www.gerbode.net/
   5. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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