Dear all,

Depending on the pieces and their time of compositions or better to say 
depending on the number of courses ( 6,7,8,10,11,13) they are written for, 
there ist no need to use the little finger on the soundbord (10,11,13, course 
lutes ) or it is recomended  to put the little  Finger on the soundbord (6,7,8 
course lutes) If you put the little Finger on the soundbord, you will not have 
the chance to play with the Ringfinger. Therefore the use of Thumb, Forefinger 
and Middlefinger is recomended. The Forefinger has to play the second and third 
 course( as small "Harpeggio"). The Middlefinger plays the first  one.Chords 
with more tones should be played with the Forefinger and Middlefinger and with 
the help of the thumb.
In this way i learned it .

Rainer Waldeck

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