On Wed, 2007-07-25 at 10:02 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How can I exclude the logging from the LVS servers on apache? The constant 
> checking for the host is creating VERY large log files.

This is really a question you should be asking on an Apache mailing
list, but anyway...

The easiest thing to do is to create a separate <VirtualHost blah>
definition that simply logs to /dev/null:

  ServerName blah.test.domain
  CustomLog /dev/null combined
  ...other directives...

then configure whatever healthcheck/monitor app you're using to query
the virtual host blah.test.domain by hostname - that differs so much
between mon, keepalived and ldirectord that I'll leave that as an
exercise for you.

However, I have to say that even with a check interval of 1 second that
would only give you 86400 lines per day - if you're using LB of any form
I'd expect you to be generating that number of entries per hour, if not


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