Matthias Saou wrote:
> Scenario 1 :
> ...
> When I make a web request to the LVS director, it works fine when it
> sends it to the 2nd or 3rd web servers, but only gets about the first
> 12kb of the page when it sends it to the 1st web server (the only one
> on the same Xen Host as LVS). For pages smaller than 12kb, no problem.
I would rule out a web server issue to start. Put the director on one of 
the other hosts and make the 1st web server the only real server and see 
what happens. If the problem is still there then you have an apache 
issue on web server 1. If not then you have a Xen or a configuration issue.

> Scenario 2 :
> ...
> The exact same problem happens.

Same test here.


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