On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 05:32:41PM -0000, Cyrus wrote:
> Hello,
> I am very new to LVS so sorry if this has an obvious answer. 
> I have set up a VIP and am able to both ping and ssh the VIP. If I do SSH to
> it I cannot ping the real servers IP. I have no problem doing that from the
> directors RIP.
> I can see in the output of  tcpdump is:
> ICMP tcp port http unreachable, length 56

By ping do you mean ICMP echo? The dump above looks more
like the result of an HTTP request?

> is my client and is the VIP of the director. The
> Real server is and that has no mention in the output of
> tcpdump at all.

What does the output of ipvsadm -Lcn look like on your linux-director?
And can you check that it doesn't have any iptables rules that
might be getting int he way.

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