frankly i never succeeded into configuring LVS to work with NAT, only with
DR, which in your case i think will work better as you have no router
between your machines and is more recomended. However it is weird that if
tcpdump runs then LVS starts to work, as it has nothing to do with it. Try
migrating to DR instead see how it goes, you can find plenty of tutorials on
google depending on your linux distro.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Vlad Dogaru <> wrote:

> Hello, everyone,
> I am just getting the hang of LVS and am using a virtual machine
> (OpenVZ-based) setup for this purpose. I have run into a very strage
> problem while testing: the client can only connect to a RS if tcpdump
> runs on the director.
> My setup involves 4 virtual machines, one simulating the client and 3
> real servers. The host node acts as a director.
> The three real servers are connected to a bridge, br0, in
> network. Thus, RIP=10.0.0.x. The client is in network,
> with CIP= and VIP= The host has a masquerade
> rule for the RIPs.
> Now, all the machines communicate properly, questions 1-3 from [1] are
> all right -- I'm not very savvy at reading tcpdump output, so I'm not
> sure about the fourth. Problem is, while testing, I've noticed that if I
> run a tcpdump, for instance
>        tcpdump -i any -ln host
> on the director, wget just works, repeatedly (hence, on different real
> servers). Otherwise, if tcpdump is not running on the director, client
> receives 'Connection refused' on VIP. If tcpdump is running on a RS, I
> invariably get 'Connection refused' (I've tried multiple times, to
> account for scheduling.
> Here is the configuration on the director, though I suspect that, given
> the symptoms, I could not have messed it up.
> srisp-lab:~# ipvsadm
> IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
> Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
>  -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> TCP  srisp-lab.local:www rr
>  -> realserver3:www              Masq    1      0          0
>  -> realserver2:www              Masq    1      0          0
>  -> realserver1:www              Masq    1      0          0
> [1]
> Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Am I somehow missing the obvious?
> Thanks in advance,
> Vlad
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