On 03/10/2014 07:39 AM, yang feng电话 wrote:
> I want to set up a keepalive + LVS system.
> I can use
>         /sbin/ipvsadm -A -t $VIP:0 -s wrr -p 60
>         /sbin/ipvsadm -a -t $VIP:0 -r $RIP1:0 -g
> to foward all connections from VIP to realserver.
> But if I use keepalive to monitor the ports, how to write the
> keepalived.conf file?
> virtual_server <VIP> 0 {
>      delay_loop 6
>      lb_algo wrr
>      lb_kind DR
>      nat_mask
>      persistence_timeout 10
>      protocol TCP
>      real_server <RIP1> 0 {
>          weight 1
>          TCP_CHECK {
>              connect_timeout 3
>              nb_get_retry 3
>              delay_before_retry 3
>          }
>      }
Assuming you only want to check a few ports, you could use the 
MISC_CHECK option in keepalived. This allows you to write your own check 
script, where you could loop through all the ports that you care about.

for details.


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