Hi Ilo,

haproxy, pound, pen or any other reverse proxy softwares do terminate the 
incoming connection at the loadbalancer and theoretically could enable that 
kind of switching at TCP level (by re-creating a new connection from LB to a 
different realserver).

However, they don't help in your exact inquiry, as they don't implement the 
requested feature.

As elaborated, it's very hard work to get the application of a different real 
server into the state where this application would be able to continue a 
connection, which originally has been created with another real server. 
It also can impose a very severe risk on failure handling, so basically 
everyone relies on the user hitting the "reload" button, accepting any 
consequences (e.g. ordering twice).


On 23.06.2014, Ilo Lorusso wrote:
> Hi Anders,
> Thank you for your detailed explanation,
> With regards to your statement regarding alternate load balancers , can I ask 
> the names of these other load balancers ? sounds like they could help.
> > There are different kinds of load balancers available, who do work 
> > differently than IPVS and in theory may support a scenario like this:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: lvs-users-boun...@linuxvirtualserver.org 
> [mailto:lvs-users-boun...@linuxvirtualserver.org] On Behalf Of Anders Henke
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2014 12:31 PM
> To: lvs-users@linuxvirtualserver.org
> Subject: Re: [lvs-users] ldirectord question
> On 19.06.2014, Ilo Lorusso wrote:
> > I have a general question of how ldirectord works, I have setup my 
> > virtual service and real servers
> > 
> > I have an active connection and traffic is flowing through to the real 
> > server perfectly as shown below
> > 
> > I want to know is it possible to move an established connection between the 
> > real servers without resetting or reestablishing the TCP connection ?
> > 
> > [root@lbmaster ~]# ipvsadm -Ln
> > IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=32768) Prot LocalAddress:Port 
> > Scheduler Flags
> >   -> RemoteAddress:Port           Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
> > TCP wlc persistent 300
> >   ->         Masq    100    1          0
> >   ->         Masq    99     0          0
> Short answer: no way.
> Long answer: it's much more complicated than you think.
> ldirectord does "only" configure IPVS, so you're looking for the way IPVS and 
> TCP do work, ldirectord isn't much of an issue for you.
> And once you've mastered IPVS and TCP, your application will most likely be 
> in the way.
> You're using IPVS in masquerading/NAT mode. In this mode, your balancer 
> receives an IP packet for the VIP address, replaces the VIP by the real 
> server's IP and sends the packet back onto your local network. Your real 
> server routes any replies back via your loadbalancer, who in turn does 
> "reverse" the NAT operation by replaceing your realserver's IP address by the 
> VIP address.
> So in the end, any phase of the tcp connection establishing (3way handshake, 
> maximum segment size, exchange of sequence and acknowledgement numbers, ...) 
> is performed between your real server and the connecting client: only they 
> are aware of the mutually exchanged information and agreed conditions. 
> Especially it's only them who are aware of the current sequence number and 
> acknowledgement numbers. Technically, the loadbalancer is aware of those 
> numbers as well - but the loadbalancer doesn't know how to inform another 
> realserver to expect a connection with a given host and configuration.
> If you're trying to move that running connection to a different real server, 
> this other server would require to expect a connection with those sequence 
> numbers. 
> If the balancer is just forwarding the established tcp connection to a 
> different realserver (no matter, if you're doing this in 
> masquerading/gatewaying or tunneling), the real server wouldn't be aware of 
> it: it doesn't expect this connection, doesn't know which application is 
> expected to know about it, even if expected it doesn't know the current tcp 
> sequence number or expected acknowledgement numbers. If your tcp connection 
> does transport an SSL session, you'd also need many other information to be 
> available at the "other" real server - most of which is written to prevent 
> any tampering or replay attacks. Your application may also need to be aware 
> of some information from the same tcp session (e.g. a 
> http-basic-authentication header being sent earlier) or may need to be aware 
> of some local state.
> So in the end: it doesn't work that way, and it's certainly not the 
> balancer's fault. TCP is not written around the idea of what you're probably 
> trying to achieve.
> If the connection from loadbalancer to realserver breaks down, the "client" 
> happens to be the loadbalancer and may chose to re-connect with a different 
> realserver. The connection with the actual client (connecting to the 
> balancer) doesn't necessarily need to be aware of this.
> In order to continue where the broken real server did quit, the loadbalancer 
> may need to replay any payload traffic from the broken tcp connection, so the 
> connected application on the realserver can be brought into the same state 
> and may continue processing as usual. For example, a tcp session with a SQL 
> server may require re-login, a series of BEGIN, SELECT, UPDATE, SELECT, ..." 
> to get into the same state where the original connection broke down.
> This in turn brings up a series of new questions: if the SQL server uses 
> Challenge-Response-based authentication (e.g. MySQL does), a simple replay 
> won't work for logging in the load balancer. Your loadbalancer would need to 
> be aware of the exact password and need to know how to log onto your database.
> If every issued command is an transaction on its own (e.g. HTTP POST), 
> replaying those transactions will risk the loadbalancer to be ordering the 
> same product twice on behalf of the customer: one time "really" by the 
> customer, but on the real server who just broke down when trying to display 
> the "order successful" page. And another time for replaying application data 
> to successfully re-display the "order successful" page.
> So in order to support the kind of scenario your're expecting, your 
> loadbalancer needs to be aware of the exact application, and may need to 
> decide to take different paths. Which in the end maks this kind of 
> loadbalancer a very specific and complex thing, built exactly around your 
> application and trying to mimic your clients.
> Anders
> -- 
> 1&1 Internet AG              Expert Systems Architect (IT Operations)
> Brauerstrasse 50             v://49.721.91374.0
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> Amtsgericht Montabaur HRB 6484
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> Hofmann, Markus Huhn, Hans-Henning Kettler, Uwe Lamnek, Jan Oetjen, Christian 
> Würst
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren
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1&1 Internet AG              Expert Systems Architect (IT Operations)
Brauerstrasse 50             v://49.721.91374.0
D-76135 Karlsruhe            f://49.721.91374.225

Amtsgericht Montabaur HRB 6484
Vorstand: Ralph Dommermuth, Frank Einhellinger, Robert Hoffmann, 
Andreas Hofmann, Markus Huhn, Hans-Henning Kettler, Uwe Lamnek, 
Jan Oetjen, Christian Würst
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Michael Scheeren

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