
I hadn't thought about SELinux, but I'll check on that.  I'm assuming
that the firewall isn't a problem, since I captured the packets on the
backup director.  But I'll test both of those, and report back.

All the communication between servers (both keepalived's VRRP, and the
IPVS connection sync) is going over Ethernet.  Since this is a test
environment, both directors (and the realserver) are actually VMWare
Virtual Machines.

Lloyd Brown
Systems Administrator
Fulton Supercomputing Lab
Brigham Young University

On 07/28/2014 11:26 PM, Frank Kirschner wrote:
> Hi Lloyd,
> do you have disables SELinux for the RHEL hosts? By the way: also set the
> firewall to accept all (later if all is working you should set up a firewall
> of cause)
> I wich way you communicate the keepalived between the two directors? Over
> Ethernet or serial cable?
> best regards
> Frank
> mfg
> Frank Kirschner

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