Thanks for reading. First post, new to LVS, I've gone through the introductory docs, I've inherited this service
 configuration file:

ipvsadm --version
ipvsadm v1.26 2008/5/15 (compiled with popt and IPVS v1.2.1)
on Redhat 6.5

We're balancing a tftp service it was working fine, until recently it began stopping balancing at seemingly random times, if we do a service pulse restart, the balancing starts working again, I think this is related somehow to the well known "ARP Problem", the symptoms are very similar but I don't really understand it nor how to fix it, I'm not a networks guy but I'm entitled to keep track and try to fix this issue.

the redhat guys aren't helping much.

Any ideas?

Thank you very much and greetings from México City.

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