
I use proftpd, but i guess there are some similar things.
I has also the same ipvs setup and has also only active ftp working...

Perhaps, to make work the passive mode, we should add a permanent
listener on passive ports on the centos box, with something like

ipvsadm -A -t $realip:50000-60000 -s wrr
ipvsadm -a -t $realip:50000-60000 -r -m
ipvsadm -a -t $realip:50000-60000 -r -m

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=50000-60000/udp --permanent

First, it is not working (multiple ports are not allowed) but i also prefer,
for security reasons to have not so many ports opened on my server.

In active mode, the ip_vs_ftp do all the job via conntrack :

conntrack -L | grep dport=21

In this case, the only needed setup to make it work is to allow FTP
traffic :

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=21/udp --permanent

and setup via ipvsadm the loadbalancing.

So, do you really need the ftp passive mode ?

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