ok thanks, ill try that out.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 12:35:49PM +0200, horst.ven...@remsnet.de , Horst 
Venzke  ,Remsnet Consulting  und Internet Services LTD, Niederlassung 
Deutschland wrote:
> > > hey folks, 
>  Hello Jason,
>  > > export realip=(outside ip address of my server)
>  > > ipvsadm -A -t $realip:21 -s wrr
>  > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:21 -r -m       
>  > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:21 -r -m       
>  > > 
>  > > server 1
>  > > server 2
>  That setup reads as an plan for LVS-NAT ... but with incompleted LVS-NAT 
> rules.
>  You need to cover ALL configured vsftpd server PORTS on  the LVS balancer 
> nodes - otherwise you'll never see an SYNC nor an ACK :)
>  with  LVS-DR the vsftpd can give direct answers , on LVS-NAT you have to 
> take care of the configured redirected ports very carefully.
>  You probably also need the ip_vs_ftp kernel modules..
>  # lsmod | grep ftp
>  ip_vs_ftp 6731 0
>  nf_nat 16229 1 ip_vs_ftp
>  ip_vs 157311 6 ip_vs_ftp,ip_vs_rr 
>  so it shuold be i.e : 
> >   
> > > > ipvsadm -A -t $realip:20-21 -s wrr
> > > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:20-21 -r -m       
> > > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:20-21 -r -m  
> > 
> > > > ipvsadm -A -t $realip:50000-60000 -s wrr
> > > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:50000-60000 -r -m       
> > > > ipvsadm -a -t $realip:50000-60000 -r -m  
> > 
> if still issuies , then  install wireshark on lvs , that will extactly tell 
> you want been happen on your LVS Nodes network traffiik.
>  For passv vsftpd you must configure like this : 
> http://splatdot.com/running-vsftpd-behind-a-nat-firewall/
>  and let the ports 20/21 + passvive ftp ports traffic pass your lvs-nat  
> setup.
>  if you want passiv sftpd you need as well some other standard ports for that 
> , i.e 115 .
> > >   Check if INPUT firewall rules allow the passive data
> > > traffic. For example, such rules may help:
> > > 
> > > # Accept FTP DATA (related) and FTP CONTROL (established) traffic:
> > > iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $VIP -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j 
> > > ACCEPT
> > > # Accept FTP CONTROL:
> > > iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d $VIP --dport 21 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
>  I whuold suggest to use i.e keepalived to manage your LVS-NAT FTP port Rules 
> and the IP failover .
>   ..take care of port & NAT routing !!
>  - 
> https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/3/html/Cluster_Administration/s1-lvs-ftp.html
>  - http://keepalived.org/LVS-NAT-Keepalived-HOWTO.html
>  Keepalive can also handel the required virtual gateway IP on the private 
> network well.
>  Hope this helps.
> --
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
>  Horst Venzke ; PGP NET : 1024G/082F2E6D ; http://www.remsnet.de - 1995 - 
> 2015 - 20 Jahre Linux/Unix Support.
>  Legal Notice: This transmittal and/or attachments may be privileged or 
> confidential. It is intended solely for the addressee named above. Any 
> review, dissemination, or copying is strictly prohibited. If you received 
> this transmittal in error, please notify us immediately by reply and 
> immediately delete this message and all

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