
LVS certainly won't care what the traffic is but you probably need
some kind of connection reset to make the new mysql server
re-negotiate with the client.
It may be your application that is confused by the server change.

On 29 June 2015 at 15:38, Tom Hendrikx <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Hi Malcolm,
> I've tried this too, but it seemed that mysql on the fallback instance
> received garbage. That is why I stated that it seems like the fallback
> is explicitly designed for http traffic only...
> While this setup seems the most clean solution, I guess I'll have to
> dig in using tcpdump then...
> I'll also try the suggestion from Horst, i.e. using the wrr scheduler.
> Regards,
>         Tom
> On 29-06-15 10:04, Malcolm Turnbull wrote:
>> Tom,
>> I think you are just looking for the fallback functionality. i.e.
>> if my one server dies then use the fallback server.
>>> virtual= real= gate 1 #
>>> mysql-1 fallback= gate
>> On 27 June 2015 at 20:02,  <> wrote:
>>> Hello Tom,
>>> remove any sql real node weight's and use wrr scheduler , see
>>> below.
>>> I had used sutch ldirectord +mysql setup some years ago .... see
>>> old howto :
>>> ...stopped using it with heartbeat3 due funtionality on my
>>> systems replaced by keepalived due quite faster IP handover..
>>> "section 6.3 Configure ldirectord sample  configuration file for
>>> ldirectord, on the load balancers:
>>> "" / "":
>>> vi /etc/ha.d/
>>> # Global Directives checktimeout=10 checkinterval=2
>>> autoreload=no logfile="local0" quiescent=yes
>>> virtual = service = mysql real =
>>> gate real = gate checktype
>>> = negotiate login = "ldirector" passwd = "ldirectorpassword"
>>> database = "ldirectordb" request = "SELECT * FROM
>>> connectioncheck" scheduler = wrr
>>> Please fill in the correct virtual IP address ( and
>>> the correct IP addresses of your MySQL cluster nodes
>>> ( and 3306 is the port that MySQL
>>> runs on by default. We also specify a MySQL user (ldirector) and
>>> password (ldirectorpassword), a database (ldirectordb) and an SQL
>>> query. ldirectord uses this information to make test requests to
>>> the MySQL cluster nodes to check if they are still available. We
>>> are going to create the ldirector database with the ldirector
>>> user in the next step."
>>> ---------- besides of that..
>>> Today i am use keepalived for that Mysql N+3 sized ndb cluster
>>> with realtime storange sync and + one offside clone node equal
>>> like this :
>>> I suggest you to install & setup an Galea-Mariadb mysql cluster +
>>> keepalived as an 5 node concept, 3 sql/storange nodes and 2 for
>>> the loadbalancers.
>>> Google has a lot of howtow's for keepalived...
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
>>> Horst Venzke ; PGP NET : 1024G/082F2E6D ;
>>> - 1995 - 2015 -  20 Jahre Linux/Unix Support.
>>> Legal Notice: This transmittal and/or attachments may be
>>> privileged or confidential. It is intended solely for the
>>> addressee named above. Any review, dissemination, or copying is
>>> strictly prohibited. If you received this transmittal in error,
>>> please notify us immediately by reply and immediately delete this
>>> message and all
>>>> Gesendet: Montag, 22. Juni 2015 um 12:34 Uhr Von: "Tom
>>>> Hendrikx" <> An:
>>>> Betreff: [lvs-users]
>>>> ldirectord + mysql woes
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I've been trying to get mysql failover working using
>>>> ldirectord. The general idea is to have 2 mysql instances
>>>> running in master-master setup (works), then have a ldirectord
>>>> in front of that sending all queries to server mysql-1 (works),
>>>> and have it send the queries to the other mysql server
>>>> (mysql-2) when server mysql-1 goes down (does not work).
>>>> I've tried several options in ldirectord config, but no luck.
>>>> Current config is:
>>>> checktimeout=3 checkinterval=1 failurecount=5 autoreload=yes
>>>> logfile="/var/log/ldirectord.log"
>>>> virtual= real= gate 65535 #
>>>> mysql-1 real= gate 1 # mysql-2 service=mysql
>>>> scheduler=wlc protocol=tcp checktype=negotiate quiescent=no
>>>> login="ldirectord" passwd="redacted" database="mydb"
>>>> request="SELECT COUNT(1) from mytable"
>>>> When I stop mysql at mysql-1, the queries all fail, they don't
>>>> seem to be sent to mysql-2.
>>>> When I switch the weights in the real= lines, all traffic goes
>>>> to mysql-2 (so mysql-2 + ldirectord setup seems to be
>>>> functional), but when I take down mysql on server mysql-2, the
>>>> traffic does not go to mysql-1 and queries fail again.
>>>> I also tried to configure one server as real, and the other as
>>>> fallback, but this does not work either. ldirectord
>>>> documentation is not really clear on this, but it seems that
>>>> the fallback directive is explicitly deviced for returning http
>>>> traffic?
>>>> Can somebody shed any light on how to get this working? Or how
>>>> to debug why the queries are failing (when the setup is deemed
>>>> correct)?
>>>> Kind regards, Tom
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Malcolm Turnbull. Ltd.
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