> > First of all, 6 pbufs seems not to be very much, and as i understood
> > can be chained together, i changed this to 36 pbufs with 256 bytes each
> > noticing that now the TCP connections won't work with the 1200 byte
> > MSS.

> I wonder if your driver can handle that case correctly?  It has to know
> to split the received packet across pbufs.  A naive driver might ignore
> pbuf chains (on send as well as receive).
> Kieran

Correct, I wrote my own driver for the ARM7  LPC23XX/24XX.  I wrote the
driver so that it could handle PBUFs of different size than the EMAC DMA
buffers: equal, bigger, or smaller.  Unless your driver is specifically
written to handle all of this data reorganization between the PBUFs and the
DMA bufs, it's best to assume they need to be the exact same size.

I was curious to know how much difference in speed there would be with
various buffer sizes, and equal or not equal.  I tested with a 4MB stream of
TCP data.  The data rate is currently around 2.2MB/sec.  I tested with BUF
sizes down to 128 bytes, and up to 1536.  But in each case the total RAM was
the same, about 12K.

There wasn't much difference in speed, maybe +/- 10%.  I expected a larger
penalty when the buffer sizes were not equal, and/or when they were smaller,
but it really didn't affect it significantly.  Very little speed difference.
Not much difference either with a large number of 24/256 size buffers, or a
small number of 4/1536 buffers.  I could see no significant speed penalty by
chaining buffers either.  The chaining appears very efficient.

With all that in mind,  the most flexible combination is to use a larger
number of smaller buffers.  256 bytes seems about optimal and provides more
resources for higher frequency small packet traffic.  Several of the other
TCP stacks I have used employed dual small/big buffers as a solution to this
problem.  However, I have to give lwIP credit here, the PBUF chaining
approach gives all this small/big buffer size flexibility with virtually no
speed penalty.

My experience also suggests that lwIP [RAW] is about the fastest, smallest,
and most capable TCP stack solution for embedded systems with minimal RAM
resources.  I am using this with FreeRTOS and my profiling shows only about
75% CPU utilization during the saturated TX/RX transfer.  I think even more
speed is still possible with further optimizations and tuning, which is what
I am working on now.  memcpy and chksum routines are very important, as well
as many other somewhat obscure areas.   I am curious to see if I can
increase the speed further.


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