Mykola Kyrylenko wrote:
Looking through threads
the implication was that a version of PPP with no OS was almost ready to
be released (for 1.3.2).

Wondering how it is progressing?  I would prefer not to 'customise' the
LwIP code.
It should be working in CVS HEAD already. The downside is that there have been many other changes in CVS since 1.3.2 has been released, so I wouldn't recommend it for a production environment, currently. However, I hope to get a stable version the next months or so, as I need one for a product, too.

I'd be happy for someone else to test PPP with NO_SYS==1, since Iordan and me seem to be the only ones testing it so far. If it doesn't work, please don't hesitate to get help here, so we can fix any bugs before the next release.


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