Hi Simon,

i may modify my watchdog task to prevent it from rebooting the system ... but for now i'm running the debug log recorded and a wireshark trace in parallel.

I will see exactly the point where it restarts as i have the exact time in the protocol logger of my device, and also i'll see it in the debug output. I'll leave it running like this until i see the first problem.

In the end configuration, my home control will run in an isolated network (or VLAN) and the access ports like Telnet, Web and TFTP will be connected by a router to the "normal" network. No problem in the normal net should affect the house electronics, so i will not face this problems. But i want to get behind this bug ... and we are using the same HW / RTOS / LwIP for our new product series in my company, so also there it must be prevented from rebooting in such environments.


Am 24.06.2010 21:08, schrieb goldsi...@gmx.de:
Can't you prevent your boards from rebooting and instead set an error-LED in the abort handler (or whatever leads to rebooting?) This way, you might manage to attach a debugger and see where it stopped? That might be easier to handle than the lwIP log output...?

BTW: My systems fortunately don't have such problems when Windows 7 is booted in our network ;-) - but then again, I'm using different OS and a different MAC.

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