On 04/01/2012 14:47, Carol Lai wrote:
> Does anyone have an example of lwipopts.h that enables socket?  I need
> to use the minimum RAM and ROM for socket support on a TI processor.  We
> don't need DHCP support as we're using a static IP.
> Attached is the lwipopts.h that I currently have.  It is not
> configured to enable the socket yet.
> Thank you.

The FreeRTOS download contains an example command interpreter with a
sockets interface.  The Win32 demo has the same.  I can't guarantee that
either are optimised for RAM usage though, as both systems have ample RAM.

I have a new project that will be published before Embedded World (end
of Feb) on a much smaller micro that also does the same, but the code is
not available yet.

For the MicroBlaze example, start here and follow your nose:

For the Win32 example, start here:


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