Simon Goldschmidt wrote:

> Mason wrote:
>> I also see that bug #25882 is targeted for 1.4.1, but the status is "Need 
>> Info".
> That one is "in progress" but I guess we haven't reached a consensus
> yet of how to fix it.

Have you and Kieran made any progress on bug #25882? :-)
(Maybe the Status field should be changed to "In Progress".)

>> What other bugs would you liked fixed before you release an
>> "official" 1.4.1 revision?
> None, or they would have been marked as targeted for 1.4.1. Any yes,
> that means there is (once again) only 1 bug left to be fixed before
> the release.

I see that bug #35435 has also been targeted for 1.4.1

>>> There is already a 1.4.1 branch in git which has the rest of
>>> the bugs fixed, if you'd like to test that.
>> The DEVEL-1_4_1 branch?
> Yes.
>> I'm confused because it hasn't been updated since 2011-12-15.
>> So it does not include the recent bug fixes?
> That's because I fix bugs on the master branch and have to backport
> them to the 1.4.1 branch. I simply haven't found the time to do so
> for the latest fixes.

Is there something I can help with for the 1.4.1 release?


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