Simon Goldschmidt wrote:

> Mason wrote:
>> Is it possible to configure lwip in such a way that the static
>> library I build exports the /real/ BSD socket API function names?
>> I.e. export foo instead of lwip_foo (for socket, connect, bind, etc)
> I don't think it's currently possible without modifying the sources.
> I'd suggest to solve this by changing the way LWIP_COMPAT_SOCKETS
> works (see end of sockets.h): currently, we define accept() to
> lwip_accept(). If you would lwip_accept to accept (define turned
> around, no arguments/only method name is redefined), that would
> result in naming the actual functions like you want.

I did the following. (I'm working with the 1.4.x branch.)

in lwipopts.h

in arch/cc.h
#define lwip_gethostbyname    gethostbyname
#define lwip_gethostbyname_r  gethostbyname_r
#define lwip_getaddrinfo      getaddrinfo
#define lwip_freeaddrinfo     freeaddrinfo

With this change, netdb.o exports the POSIX names.

However, this was a red herring, and I'm still stuck building
libcurl. I think the main problem is that the lwip header
naming might not be 100% POSIX compliant, and libcurl can't
find a lot of network related declarations.

I think I saw some discussion or bug reports concerning POSIX
compliance of headers, or am I mistaken?


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