Andrey Skladchikov wrote:
Hello. I try to send an data array throw the UDP in lwip. When data is
ready, i create a pbuf and link pbuf->payload to my dataarray.
Next, i send it.

Receiver is C# .NET udp datagram socket. Im receiving data using

So. If i send more then 1470 bytes throw UDP, the package not coming
into socket - no socket.Avaible increases.

If everything else is configured correctly (and you know your C# host supports fragmented packets), that suggests a problem with your lwIP port or netif driver, as IP fragmentation should work (in current versions of lwIP - don't know what you are using).

Under the sniffer i see the
package is comed from device, but in one large package (or my sniffer
construct it from fragments?).

No way to tell without knowing your sniffer. Generally, you should be able to tell by the Ethernet telegram length if it is a big packet or multiple small packets.


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