On 17 Jul 2012, at 09:39, vincent cui wrote:

> Hi Lwip user:
> I write a web server with socket, and there is a file upload function in web 
> page, when user browser a file and press “submit’, browser should send POST 
> request to web server ,
> Then send raw data of selected file continually .
> But I found that POST request is sent in TCP protocol, not HTTP protocol. I 
> don’t know why ? and since my web server is embedded, my web server take 
> charge of closing each
> Connection. I don’t know if it cause the resut.
> In my other code, web server can get any POST/GET request in HTTP protocol, 
> but fail in this kind of case.

Why would you send a screenshot of the capture, rather than the capture file 
itself?  The capture file would be so much more useful, with all sorts of extra 
information, and probably smaller.  

To answer your question, the frame in question looks like it is HTTP, but that 
the HTTP request has been split across multiple TCP packets.  

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