>>  Does anyone know of examples that have left the original lwip
>>  tree in place and simply referenced it in a make file? 
Check out the wiki at http://lwip.wikia.com/wiki/LwIP_Wiki, especially
under Getting Started (from that page), the Platform Developer's Manual.
Just be aware that the documentation is a bit like Linux man pages: good
enough if you know what you are doing.  Coding and features are the
strength of the lwIP community.  So working with this stack is difficult
for inexperienced developers.
There are examples.  In the FreeRTOS download, lwIP_Demo_Rowley_ARM7 is
a 1.1 port that kept the tree.  My port of lwIP 1.4.0 keeps the tree as
is.  You can also look in the contrib portion of the sources at
<http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/contrib/apps/?root=lwip> .
Adding or dropping files from your build depends entirely on what
features you enable in lwip_opts.h.
Hope this helps!
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