I've also attached a successful echo session with the server at echo.websocket.org for reference.


On 6/19/2014 9:22 AM, Mike He wrote:

I am trying to write up a simple Websocket echo server on an embedded device with lwip. Looking at the Wireshark traces, it appears that I am missing ACKs from the server, but the Websocket handshake and packets themselves seem to be well-formed.

I think this is leading to failed behavior. The first issue is that connection is inconsistent. Sometimes an error is returned, sometimes the client seems to connect successfully. Then the second issue is that after the client sends a simple test frame, the server responds with an echo, but this echo is not picked up by the client.

I've attached the wireshark trace, showing first a failed connection, then a "successful" one, then a message and echo.

If these problems are indeed due to missing ACK's, what am I doing wrong in the tcp_recv callback? I do call tcp_recved(pcb, p->tot_len); Is there something else I need to be doing?


Attachment: Echo from echo.websocket.org.pcapng
Description: Binary data

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