Simon Goldschmidt wrote
> Michael Steinecke wrote:
>> Sergio R. Caprile wrote
>>>>>/ The FW Library bug in the Ethernet IRQ, eating fast packets is
>>>>So no, this does not seem to be the standard STM issue...
>>> Oh, I see, missed that part. Should we believe the vendor ? (terrified
>>> face)
>> I think there is another related bug as well. The semaphore to signal new
>> packets is a binary one. It should be a counting one. I had it at least
> Ehrm, wasn't that the STM bug we were talking about? At least I think I
> remember something like that being discussed on this list...
> So you haven't fixed it? That could explain retransmissions...

No I'd fixed that one for the entire time. The post I'd read regarding the
famous bug talked about 
This is fixed in the meantime by STM32

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