On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 10:53:25AM -0700, mjackson wrote:
> 1. After PPP has completed negotiations (LCP, AUTH and IPCP), 
>    which api should I call to connect to a remote server?     

your application can use the regular lwip mechanisms once the link is
up, without special consideration for ppp (eg. udp_sendto); which
exactly you need depends on your NO_SYS value, whether you want TCP or
UDP etc.

> 2. After connecting to a remote server, should I used the following
>    api's to send and receive data.
>       - ppp_netif_output_ip4(...) or ppp_write(...)
>       - pppos_input(...)

once lcp, auth and ipcp have run, there should be no further need to
call ppp specific functions. you do need pppos_input, but you should
already have used that to feed incoming bytes to the ppp subsystem
during link setup, so just continue to do so.

best regards

To use raw power is to make yourself infinitely vulnerable to greater powers.
  -- Bene Gesserit axiom

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