> 1. We got the web server original code from   STM32 provided example
> "LwIP_HTTP_Server_Raw" , but also mixed with 1.4.1 contrib, which are > quite the same.

Then go to ST, "mixed" and "quite the same" is not the thoroughly tested server in the contrib tree. It is your code, your debugging. If you need help, please post the changes.

> some html files include javascript(jquery1.12.4) ,thus the browser can
> call the function, send and get back required infomation from MCU,
> this is our "dynamic" part of web processing, which is very simple,
> nothing more.

it might be "very simple" but it is your CGI, your code, your debugging. If you need help, please post your code (in a synthetic format, please, we just need to see where you call lwIP functions and your return values).

You seem to have a memory trashing problem, it is either one of the tasks, your server, your CGI, or as Simon pointed out your (ST's ?) DMA driver.

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