After waiting for two days, instead of the same out-of-order incident, I got one that was re-transmitted very quick (see packet 20 and 21)

On 11/1/2016 12:00 PM, wrote:
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2016 10:14:25 -0300
>From: "Sergio R. Caprile"<>
>Subject: Re: [lwip-users] TCP packet out-of-order
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>I see your out-of-order friend in frame #11 looks very much like frame
>#8 revisited. I would say that is a DMA driver glitch (are you using DMA
>?), however, the IP ID field is different, so it looks more like a
>resend, due to frame #9 being internally lost; however, this does not
>look consistent with frame #10. I see frame #10 is 700us after the ACK,
>while others are usually 200us after the ACK. We might have something
>>> >>you might be not paying attention to single-threading rules for
>>> >>low-level functions and trashing your memory,
>>> >>your application might be trashing memory.
>your DMA driver is messing around,
>or we found an elusive lwIP bug.
>Can you please
>    describe your driver,
>    describe your main loop
>    confirm you don't call lwIP from main loop and interrupts, single
>context only.
>    post your lwipopts file,
>    post how you are using the RAW API,
>    and try with a simple known-good app like netio if you run into the
>same issue ?

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