Joel Cunningham wrote:
> Is the intent that an application would use the refused_data feature as part 
> of it's normal workflow?
> Or is it expected that once this condition happens, the developer becomes 
> aware of it and either
> increases resources in the mbox receive buffer implementation (to match the 
> configured window size)
> or reduce the configured window size since the system can't handle the data 
> segment pattern?

Well, you couldn't tell "refused_data" is being used at runtime, so how could 
the developer become aware
of it? You'd have to dig into the code after observing bad performance or 
discovering some strange
in a wireshark log, for example...

Being like that, you can see it as a speciality of a resource-constrained 
implementation of TCP to
NOT drop a connection instantly on resource usage. Instead, the application is 
given some time to
make room in its mbox (or whatever buffer was full, depending on the API) 
before accepting new
segments. During that time, since new segments cannot be buffered, we don't 
accept them.

And since we don't want to create even more traffic in an overload situation, 
we don't even send
and ACK (with an old ACKNO), since there's nothing the remote host can improve: 
we can't accept new
segments! By doing that, we give the application time to overcome resource 
shortage and only can
hope the connection survives this.

The problem here is that the OP has created resource usage by design, and that 
doesn't fit well
with the intention of "refused_data". Plus it behaves clearly wrong in the 
situation where we
would announce a zero window, which should be fixed.


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