You are right, bytes are not missing, I just checked. This is not a real problem then, it's just lack of understanding of TCP. :) It was strange at first because I don't have similar problems at all when sending from PC to ZYNQ.

When it comes to capture files, I am quite new to that, so I am not really sure how to make them smaller. Any reference about this will be great.

Thanks for quick answer!


On 5.12.2016 14:24, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
pekez wrote:
The problem is that after some number of packets, client app receives
less than TCP_MAX_DATA_LEN (which is 1446) bytes even though it isn't
supposed to receive packet of that size at that moment. For example,
after 1013rd packet sent, client receives packet that is less than 1446.
TCP does NOT send packets, it sends a stream. As such, a remote host will
receive arbitrary sized chunks. TCP only guarantees to deliver the bytes in
the exact order. Are you missing bytes or only complaining about segmentation?

[..] I am providing capture file (please download it from this link
I'm really too lazy to do that. Instead, keep your capture file small and your
mail won't be rejected again ;-)


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