Hi again

I had a read through the pitfalls page, but still am a bit confused.

So what I have done is the following, in my own robot.c file, I have done the 

static struct udp_pcb *robot_pcb = NULL;

static void
robot_receive( void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,
              ip_addr_t *rip, u16_t rport )

       printf( "We received a packet\n" );



void robot_init (

   struct udp_pcb *pcb = udp_new();
   if( pcb != NULL )
      udp_bind( pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, 50000 );
      udp_recv( pcb, robot_receive, NULL );
      robot_pcb = pcb;

In my main loop where I initialize dhcp_start etc.  I add robot_init(); and 
that is when I get:

Assertion "dhcp_create_msg: dhcp->p_out == NULL" failed at line 1774 in 
Assertion "dhcp_create_msg: dhcp->msg_out == NULL" failed at line 1775 in 

I havent received a packet yet, so it cant be the callback, it has to be the 
init code.  What would I need to change on the init code to allow this to work 
with lwip OS Mode.

Do I have to add a critical section when initializing?  I tried disabling 
interrupts but the problem still prints out.

Thanks for all the help, it has been very informative.

From: lwip-users <lwip-users-bounces+neeravpatel=hotmail....@nongnu.org> on 
behalf of Dirk Ziegelmeier <d...@ziegelmeier.net>
Sent: January 23, 2017 7:23 PM
To: Mailing list for lwIP users
Subject: Re: [lwip-users] Assertions when using DHCP when using LWIP 2.0

And read this:

lwIP: Common pitfalls - 
The most common source of lwIP problems is to have multiple execution contexts 
inside the lwIP code. lwIP can be used in two basic modes: Mainloop mode 
("NO_SYS") (no ...


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