You seem to have many thinks mixed up, and a lot of documents to read.

Your application will depend on three software players:
- the TCP/IP stack: lwIP
- Here, on this list, after you read all the documentation and have something to ask which is a bit more specific than "how do I get my work done". There is the formal lwIP docs in and there is the wiki in
- the Ethernet driver
- the interface between lwIP and your Ethernet hardware. You can ask your vendor, you can read the wiki and do it yourself, you can search your vendor's forums, etc. There are some examples around, google is your friend. There are some of us here that have a clue on how to do this, but we might know a bit about your particular hardware. Again, your vendor is the one who knows your hardware, we know how to interact with lwIP.
- the port
- the necessary environment for lwIP and your OS or the absence of it to communicate. You can ask your OS vendor, you can read the wiki and do it yourself, you can search your vendor's forums, etc. There are some examples in the contrib tree. You will learn how to do it once you look at them. There are some of us who know how to do a bare metal port, there are some who can help with FreeRTOS. Again, your OS vendor is the one who knows your OS, people here know how to interact with lwIP.

lwIP has 3 (main ?) APIs, you can choose (more than) one of them.
- RAW: a callback API which can work great on bare metal (no OS)
- Socket: the Berkeley sockets interface (more or less ?), requires an OS
- Netconn: a socket-like interface which is less resource-hungry, requires an OS

Your application(s) will use one of them.
You can have different applications. As long as they conform to the guidelines, they can use any of the APIs.

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