
I have a problem with the usage of LWIP and I cannot find a solution alone. My function low_level_output() sometimes tries to send data bigger than MSS. The function copies in the send buffer of the device all chained buffers from type pbuf. In the most cases all works fine. But sporadically, the size of all the data becomes bigger than MSS. Here is one example what I have seen when I debugged the problem. The pointer p of my function low_level_output() points to a buffer that has a len = 54 and tot_len = 1514. The pointer next also is valid (not NULL) and points to the next pbuf. But this next pbuf has a len = 1460 and tot_len = 1460. It doesn't match to the precious buffer.
Here are some settings in my code:
TCP_MSS = 1460
I'm using RAW API without OS.
Probably more information from me will be needed, but I don't know what is important in this case...
Please, help!
Best regards!

Simeon Trifonov
Head of department "Development"

AMK Drives and Controls Ltd.
Bulgaria / Gabrovo

Phone:   +359 (0)66 819125
Fax:     +359 (0)66 819101
E-Mail:  simeon.trifo...@amk-drives.bg
Web:     www.amk-drives.bg

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