Hello all,

I am trying to send large amounts of data continuously. I use lwIP as a TCP 
client on an STM32F7 and Matlab on a PC as a TCP server.

I send blocks of 32768 bytes. Here are some settings for the memory sizes in 

#define MEM_SIZE 17520
#define MEMP_NUM_TCP_SEG 65
#define PBUF_POOL_BUFSIZE 1516
#define TCP_WND 8760
#define TCP_MSS 1460
#define TCP_SND_BUF 8760

When sending with tcp_write(), I get ERR_MEM errors. So, I switched on 
LWIP_STATS for seeing memory statistics. When should I be using tcp_output()? 
Should I check for the remaining tcp_sndbuf and use tcp_output() if it gets low?

In Wireshark, I can see TCP Dup ACKs and "TCP Previous segment not captured" 
errors. Find the dump here:


I send data every 2 seconds and it takes around 1.5 seconds to send it to the 
PC, which is too long.

Here are some of the results after ERR_MEM happened:

There is no Mem/Memp section that contains even one error. So, I am not sure 
where to look next.

Thank you in advance!

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