Hm, OK, thanks for the feedback.

I thought tcp_recved() could be what I'm looking for but it seems not. Btw:
what is this function used for exactly? At the moment I always hand over
the total received data length but in parrallel also release the pBuf. So
what does tcp_recved() do?

2017-09-08 22:01 GMT+02:00 <>:

> Paul Plankton wrote:
>> My problem: I'm running on an embedded system where I can't waste too
>> much time with handling network data.
> This and the statement about handling "1460 bytes during one interrupt
> call" is somewhat disturbing. Are you sure you don't violate lwIP's
> threading requirements?
> Also, Embedded and "too much time" is not really good phrasing. Either you
> need realtime or you need TCP ;-)
> [..]
>> My question: is there a possibility to do one of both? If yes - how can
>> this be done?
> No. The only thing I can think of is: don't use TCP if you want a
> message-oriented protocol. Use UDP instead! TCP is about data streams, not
> about telegrams.
> If you're stuck to TCP and still want it your way, you'll have to
> implement the buffering at your application layer. There's no code in the
> core stack that does this for you.
> Simon
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