Ajay Garg wrote:
We are using lwip-1.4.1 with FreeRTOS on Atmel-Studio-7, on Windows.

During the call to netconn_connect, the resultant err_t code being
returned is ERR_ABRT.
I have googled, and I see a lot of people have this issue.

Great. This means the remote host did not respond to your connect request. I'm not suprised others see this as well :-)

Unfortunately/Surprisingly, I was unable to land on a concrete solution :(

One possible solution would be to get the remote host responding ;-)

Or more seriously: you might have a problem with transmitting or receiving tcp segments. I assume your lwip port or something else is new and untested. Wireshark is your friend in that case ;-)
However, it could be also just be a non-existing IP address...


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