
I have implemented a simple TCP server on lwIP 1.4.1 running on chibiOS (a 
realtime OS) with the netconn api on an STM32F746.

It goes like this:

TCP server is opened and waits for connections:

    conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
    LWIP_ERROR("http_server: invalid conn", (conn != NULL), 

    netconn_bind(conn, NULL, SERVER_THREAD_PORT);

    err_t err;
    while (true) {
      err = netconn_accept(conn, &newconn);
      if (err != ERR_OK)

The serve function kicks in when a connection was accepted and receives some 
data from the client:

void serve(struct netconn * conn)
  struct netbuf *inbuf;
  uint8_t *buf;
  u16_t buflen;
  err_t err;

   * Read the data from the port, blocking if nothing yet there.
   * Assume that the request is in one netbuf.
  err = netconn_recv(conn, &inbuf);

  if (err == ERR_OK) {
    netbuf_data(inbuf, (void **)&buf, &buflen);
    // evaluate the input!

  /* Close the connection */

   * Delete the buffer (netconn_recv gives us ownership,
   * so we have to make sure to deallocate the buffer)

My TCP client (it is a Matlab PC) connects, sends some data, and disconnects. 
The TCP server also closes the connection on its side and then deletes the 
netconn structure.

The problem is that I get spurious ACK and FIN, ACK in Wireshark. I do not get 
those, when I do not let Matlab close the TCP connection on client side. 
However, I have to, since I want to open it again. The spurious retransmission 
does not hurt my system but I wonder why it exists.

Is there something that is obviously wrong? Should I NOT close the connection 
on the TCP server side? Find a capture attached.

Thanks in advance,

Attachment: dump.pcapng
Description: dump.pcapng

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