Hi Gustavo

You're missing one very important point, that is below lwip is a part that you are responsible for, this is the "driver" and it is not a part of lwip. This part handles among other things the link status and should notify lwip if it changes. Your callbacks are probably not called because your driver doesn't notify lwip of the link status.

All your issues are in the driver part and there is nothing anyone here can do about it, unless maybe if you share your driver or at least let us know which one you're using you can get a kind soul to have a look at it. I'm guessing though that you got your driver packaged together with lwip from a third party, that would be a better place to ask for help.

Best regards

On 2017-10-13 13:48, Gustavo Costa TAP wrote:
Hi Jens,

thank you for your colaboration. Is it possible that you share if me your fix? I am trying not to reinvent the wheel.

As I said to Simon, I am trying to use the LWIP_NETIF_LINK_CALLBACK and LWIP_NETIF_STATUS_CALLBACK functions to keep track of the Phy Link, but these functions never gets called, even if I disconnect the cable.

My demicode is as below:

*void status_callback(void) {*
*void link_callback(void) {*
*if (netif_is_link_up(&fsl_netif0)) {  //DES link up blink fast*
*} else {*


*PRINTF("TCP/IP initializing...\r\n");*
*tcpip_init(NULL, NULL);*
*PRINTF("TCP/IP initialized.\r\n");*
*xSemaphoreENET = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();*
*while (netif_add(&fsl_netif0, &fsl_netif0_ipaddr, &fsl_netif0_netmask,*
*NULL, ethernetif_init, tcpip_input) == NULL) {*
*vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);*

*netif_set_status_callback(&fsl_netif0, status_callback);*
*netif_set_link_callback(&fsl_netif0, link_callback);*
*err = dhcp_start(&fsl_netif0);*

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

        *Gustavo Costa*
/Engenheiro Eletricista/

/Departamento de P&D/

/Tap Eletro Sistemas Ltda./

/(31) 3395-1180/9 8769-8593 <callto:%2831%29%203395-1180>/

/gustavo.co...@tapeletro.com <mailto:gustavo.co...@tapeletro.com>/




2017-10-12 12:24 GMT-03:00 Jens Nielsen <d...@telia.com <mailto:d...@telia.com>>:

    Yes I fixed this particular problem in a driver recently, it was
    waiting for autonegotiation to complete. 6th parameter to
    netif_add is a function pointer to an init function in your code,
    that's where you'll find your bug.

    On 2017-10-12 10:33, Simon Goldschmidt wrote:
    When the "netif_add" api is called without the cable being actually plugged 
the function just hangs and my wdog barks.
    Now this can't be an lwIP bug: lwIP knows nothing of phys. That is part of 
your netif driver, which probably needs fixing.

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