
No, the connection is not even established with the remote server.

In the debugger I see, that netconn API definitely invokes the PPP
interface, and goes into my serial write function, but no connection is
established whatsoever.

Note I tested whether the server works via telnet.

Another thing is, I've noticed that the GSM module is not talking back at
all when transmitting TCP packets. Looking through the RX/TX data from
logic analyzer, it seems I'm sending data to the module, but it never sends
anything back.

Which is very odd, since the PPP connection gets established, and during
that, I can confirm via logic analyzer that the module and micro-controller
are chatting back and forth.

I'm beginning to think the issue might be one of these:
1. O2 is blocking my connection, and not establishing TCP connection
              However, I'm not so sure about this, because the A6 modem has
their own PPP stack, and I can connect to my server via their TCP commands
and send data.
              I'm not able to use their stack, because I'm very interested
in getting PPP working as a learning stepping stone, ultimately, I'll be
using a satellite modem which requires PPP to establish a connection to my
2. Faulty modem. I ordered another one just to test it, instead of A6, I'll
test with sim800l. I've noticed that this one doesn't comply with it's own
datasheet AT commands. e.g. ATE0 should disable echo, and it doesn't.
3. ST implementation of LwIP is faulty. I'm using LwIP version which comes
with CubeMX. I've noticed it is version 2.0.0 instead of 2.0.3.

Any other ideas, what I should be looking for or what could be the cause?

Best Regards.

Raivis Strogonovs

On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 10:48 AM, Sylvain Rochet <grada...@gradator.net>

> Hi,
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 09:27:12PM +0100, Raivis wrote:
> >
> > In any case here is my log up to the point, where it starts to
> re-transmit
> > the TCP packet over and over again:
> Looks like PPP is working properly here. Do you actually receive those
> TCP packets on the remote side ?
> Sylvain
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