Thanks for your hints, I think I found the issue.
The modbus stack i'm using was processing frames in different context than lwip.. I reworked it now to directly process frames after beeing received and it now seems to be running way more stable. Had no further issues so far.

Am 03/11/2017 um 14:09 schrieb Sergio R. Caprile:
so you don't have interrupts ? How do you get your IP datagrams off Ethernet frames ? Perhaps you set a flag on rx int and get them on the main loop or queue on int and extract on main loop... Just to make sure you are on the safe side, you need to know what happens in your system.

Well written, known to work applications, are under the app directory in the lwIP tree, and on the contrib tree. You can run an echo, or a netio (Netio is half implemented, but there are a couple patches, one of them I can be accountable for), or an http server, or... something that exercises the system with traffic.

You should (must) check those apps for examples on how to do things right. You can also post a (small) snippet of your app, with API calls, and some of us will surely help you checking out. But first, make sure your port and driver are working nicely, I've seen too many vendor "enhancements" behaving nasty.

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